The homepage
If we look at the homepage when logged out, you will see that the content hasn't actually changed. I am not sure if ROBLOX is going to change the content on the homepage, but I don't really mind about it. the most important thing changed on the homepage is the menu and the log-in box, which has changed layout both.
As far as I can see, nothing really changed to My ROBLOX apart from the menu and the location of the advertisements, which are now located under the menu.
Something that I noticed was that this is still the 3.0 design, and not an all new 4.0 design, although I think a lot of things changed since the very first version of the 3.0 design and the 3.0 design as it is now.
I am not sure if you can put this as a part of the new design, or it's just the fact that ROBLOX wants to reintroduce it, but you can now view the sets of a user on his or her profile. If I'm right this was actually enabled before the new menu already.
I haven't seen any other changes on the My ROBLOX tab yet!
Not a lot of changes on this tab, although after searching really well I found this "Tips" button thingy. It gives a blue pop-up which you can't really read yet, due to some stupid CSS coding, After some smart copy paste work I got this out of it:
Tips Exact Phrase: "red brick"
Find ALL Terms: red and brick =OR= red + brick
Find ANY Term: red or brick =OR= red | brick
Wildcard Suffix: tel* (Finds teleport, telamon, telephone, etc.)
Terms Near each other: red near brick =OR= red ~ brick
Excluding Terms: red and not brick =OR= red - brick
Grouping operations: brick and (red or blue) =OR= brick + (red | blue)
Combinations: "red brick" and not (tele* or tower) =OR= "red brick" - (tele* | tower)
Wildcard Prefix is NOT supported: *port will not find teleport, airport, etc.
It sounds like nonsense to me! Roblox, you will have to explain me that, later!
I'm not sure if the help page changed, because I never really took a look at that page before.
Over all
In the overall changes, it seems that the only thing really changed is the header, with the menu, the ads and when logged in the statistics, with the number of your robux, tix, friend requests, and unopened personal Messages. Also has the background changed to white instead of the blue picture or black picture.
I don't think you can say that this is a bad design. Actually I pretty much like it! Apart from the white background, it's too boring, and too bright. I gues BrightEyes designed it ;) Anyway, it's up to you if you like it or not, but if you ask me, it's a good design!