Over the past weeks TRA has been running its own facebook group. People have been able to post links, no filters and no bans. We, the players, the community, have regulated the behavior and content of our fellow ROBLOXians. I belive that this idea of the users moderating each other, could be used in a bigger scale.
Would it not be better, if people could delete spam from their items comments. If people could permanently ban people from their games if they broke the rules, if forums were moderated by trusted members of the community. Would it not be better to have these local community centered moderation systems, than having a global bot system?
I belive that ROBLOX should empower their users to deal with user related problems. That real players could provide techical support to those who needed it. I belive that the many parts of roblox.com should be regulated by the users activly using them.
Moving away from global moderation, would save ROBLOX money, while possibly improving the communities across the site. Having a central moderation system would still be needed, for more extreme cases, that would require blocking a person from the entire site.
A flaw with a user moderated site could be biased or bad moderation, but don't we allready have that? It can only get better, and if some moderators are bad, they could just be replaced by ROBLOX.
Another idea could be to have a tier system. Tier 1 moderators can give warnings and notices, tier 2 moderators could suspend people from for example a forum for a couple of days, while tier 3 moderators could work together with the paid moderators and give global punishments across the site.
Having local community moderators would benefit the site in many ways, and I think it should be implemented in some way. Be it simple functions like deleting spam from your places, to a more complex tier system. Of course this is just an idea, and there is much to be thought about. But maybe the admins could start thinking if this indeed is possible, or if it would throw ROBLOX into destruction. What do you think? Leave a comment down below.