Monday, 18 June 2012

The Robloxian Army quits RWI

Yesterday I released an official statement concerning The Robloxian Army and RWI.
You may read it here if you have not read it yet.

"Okay, I don't care about any of the small matters RWI spend an hour discussing about. It does not benefit TRA in any way. Besides, I am not fond of RAT running this whole operation. When I accepted meowmixxed's offer, I was promised technology and a place together with the other superclans. I was promised cooperation between clans at a level never seen before. In reality, all we do is discuss who should be a member and who should not. Nothing really happens. It just seems that the clans within the alliance, want to feel so high and mighty by declining other clans, because it gives them a sense of power. The only people standing up on the podium at any given time are ColourTheory, Ariclatios and piede. This is just RAT trying to run the place, and I don't like it. TRA is no longer a part of this."