This text was written for my english writing day this spring. I just got it back from my teacher, and decided to share it with you.
What is a famous person? I define a famous person as a guy or girl that a lot of people know about, possibly a person with a lot of influence. From now on, I will refer to a famous person as a he, because I am the only famous person you will read about in this text. I don't care about other famous people, nor do I know anything about them.
When my friends in real life see what I type on the internet, they often call me arrogant. Famous people can be arrogant, at least I can be at times. What makes me so famous? First of all a lot of people know about me. In fact over 500,000 people have seen my name. Not my real name, my virtual name. These people know me on a game, the online game ROBLOX. You might be thinking: "That's not a lot of people." or "It's only a game." Well let me tell you something. Wherever I go on that game, people stalk me. People constantly send me messages saying: "Tonitoni, are are my idol." or "Please Toni! Be my friend." People actually look up to me, and hope to become like me one day,
What did I do to earn so much recognition? I created one of the most muccesful war groups on ROBLOX. At one point this group, named The Robloxian Army had as much as 35,000 members. Thirty five thousand people ready to do whatever I told them. There were thousands of people looking up to me as their leader and idol. For over a year I worked on this group, making it known by anyone important in the world of ROBLOX. I was hated, hated by my enemies. I was hated because I was more famous than them. Because I had done something they would never accomplish. I even had bodyguards with me, trained elite soldiers, ready to die for me if necessary.
There have been countless attempts to assasinate me. Not because it would hurt my virtual character, or me sitting in front of the computer. They tried to assasinate me so that they could humiliate me. Humiliate me in front of the entire clan world. I have tried to avoid humiliation, as keeping my image of undefeated and powerfull was vital to my success.
The Robloxian Army (TRA for short) is no longer lead by me. I passed it on months ago, although I am still 2nd in command. Partly because administrating a group of 35,000 people takes a lot of time. I had no manager or secretary most of the time, so administrating everything drained my energy. In fact, I spent so much time on the group that my real life situation was getting worse. My grades were dropping and I was sitting up to 4 AM reading and anwering private messages from my members. All this time spent on the computer was making my health worse. I tried hiering a secretary, but she quit just weeks in. She could not handle the pressure I had been subject to for over a year. The other secretary I hired was too lazy, so I fired him after a week. Like for any other famous person, the career has to end one day. I decided to end mine before all my energy was drained from me. After all, real life is more important than what happens in a game, no matter how famous you are.
I was semi-famous before my clan became so popular. Making games was my passion for almost a year, although I never really became famous for my games. They were mostly redone ideas, or improvments of allready existing concepts. In total my games managed to rack up around half a million visits, which is not bad by any standards. Looking back, I am not very proud of them, they were mediocre at best.
After quitting as the leader of TRA, I have started spening much of my time on social medias like twitter nad youtube. My youtube videoes have been seen over 45.000 times in total, although I am not very happy with most of them either. I guess you could call me a perfectionist, as I am never really satisfied with my work. There are allways things I think I can do better.
If you are still in doubt of my fame, let me refer to some of my accomplishments over the past two years. My games have been played over 1,490,000 times in total, my ROBLOX profile has been seen over 1,200,000 times, I am ranked as 99/99 in the ROBLOX level calculator, I am the most famous ROBLOX player from norway. possibly even Scandinavia. Klout, an online influence measurment site ranks me as 42/100, just by calculating my influence on social medias outside of ROBLOX. I am the ROBLOX leader with the most youtube videoes dedicated to him in the world, over twelve thousand people have sent me a friend request, and thousands of people look up to me. When I look at what I have accomplished in less than two years, who knows what I wil accomplish in the future?
Being famous brings both good and bad things. On one hand you become popular, rich and important. On the other hand you lose much of the free time that could be spent on other things like family and friends. In my opinion it all comes down to finding the right balance. I don't think the countless hours spent on ROBLOX were wasted. The fame and recognition I got on that game, will probably never be replicated in the real world. I guess you could call it, a once in a lifetime experience.