TRA and RSF have been at war for over a week now. The war started for no other reason than to have war for war's sake. TRA is a war clan, we don't need excuses to go to war. Some bonuses with war include more activity and members getting more skilled.
The start of the war was pretty nice. Everyone fought fair, no hacks and little flaming. Sadly, like most ROBLOX wars, bad stuff started happening. Bases got exploited all the time, and flaming became more and more common. As much as this is a bad thing, we must tolerate it and move on. Hacking and flaming can't be avoided.
Even though bases get hacked all day, TRA has managed to produce evidense of 21 legit victories, while RSF has produced 1. Still RSF claims they are winning, and accuse normandy of being unfair as the reason for why they are losing. Honestly, normandy is pretty fair compared to other clan forts. The reason RSF is losing the war is their inactive members, and devided leadership. Many RSF generals are about to betray RSF, or are inactive. One of them even asked us to end the war because their leadership was too bad to handle our power.
In stead of admitting they are losing, RSF is now planning to counter this by putting their spawns inside the base, and give them selves 1 hit KO snipers. They allready have an easier time than us at the fort, yet they are planning to make it even more unfair. Just imagine trying to swordjump over the wall, while 1 shot kill snipers pick you off and spawnkill you from the hills. Then if you actually manage to get over the wall, you just get shot in the back while trying to cross the bridge. They are creating a huge spawntrap to even have a chance of winning. Still they claim they are "One of the most prestigious clans on Roblox!"
TRA is winning this war, what we are seeing now, is RSF's final attempt to win. The question remains if they will actually carry out these changes. Even if they do, I belive TRA will be victorious once again.
Well, even if we would stop raiding them, because of an unfair base, they wouldn't have any chance of winning anymore. It's too late for RSF :D